What artwork sizes do I need?



Transcript & Notes.

0:00 - One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is where can I find the billboard sizes for artworks? Now the simple way to figure out what sizes you need for you is to create a campaign because every screen has a different size, every billboard has a different size.

0:20 - Indoor screens could have common sizes, but every billboard has a different size and it is dependent on what screens you're going to pick for your campaign.

0:29 - So let me show you how, where you can get those details. So let's start with a new campaign. I'm just going to call it Test.

0:40 - Save and Continue. I'm just going to pick a team. I'm going to keep it always up as an ongoing campaign.0:48 I'm going to hand select my boards. It's going to drop me into my map and I'm going to make a quick selection of a bunch of screens that will definitely have different.

1:00 - Aspects. I'm going to just going to select screens screens in this area. Uh yeah, I picked about 24 screens. I'm just going to save and continue.

1:12 - Keep it always on. Save and continue. I'm just going to set an hourly budget. Just get CAASie to pick an hourly pacing.

1:22 - Save and continue. Now here's where you get the sizes that you're looking for. So if you have a look at the specs that we need, we've got 24 screens that we have selected, but you need nine different artworks.

1:36 - Now, you can jot them down by looking at the sizes here. Or you can download the specs by clicking on the button here.

1:46 - Export resolutions, just click on the download. You'll be able to download it as a CSV file. This could be passed on to your designer to get the designs organised.

1:57 - Once the designs are organized, you can upload them over here. Now since I don't have the artworks ready, I can just save and continue.

2:08 - Now before I continue, I just wanted to point out that one artwork covers 10 of the screens. So now you can see that that 1080 x 1920 portrait covers 10 screens out of the 24 screens that you picked for your campaign.

2:25 - And another one covers about 3 of the 24 screens. So that is what the 10 x 24 or 3 x 24 means.2:34 Now I'm going to save and continue. This is the end of your campaign and gives you a bit of a summary.

2:39 - Save and continue. And this drops you into your campaign dashboard. Now once your designer gets your artwork organised and ready, all you need to do is jump into your campaign dashboard, click on the artwork section.

2:57 - And you can upload them here. Once you upload them in the bulk uploader, each of these cards will get filled by the appropriate artwork size.

3:08 - Now you can individually pick them by clicking on the plus button and uploading them from your computer, or you can just drag and drop the whole thing in here and it'll get filled up.

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