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Dallas is dominated by roadside billboards - they line practically every highway and arterial route both into and out of the city centre. Navigating my map, You'll notice pretty much immediately that the city has no Street Furniture/Urban Panels (on a technicality). That's largely because the city does away with floor-mounted screens and plants them up high on buildings instead! Still viewable at both street level and - as an added bonus - by drivers on the road as well.

You won't find a highly developed public transport dOOH network here, but there are plenty of options (Billboards, Convenience Stores, Retail) to help you reach the right people at the right time - courtesy of Outfront Media, Clear Channel Outdoor, Orange Barrel Media, Lamar, and more.

Available Formats
These are some of the formats you can find in 

So...Where do I start?

~ you, probably

(circa. just then)

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