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Boards Available
Avg. Pricing
per AD play
FYI - This is for billboards; pricing varies by board type.
Just a taster of what's around.
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Perth has a diverse range of dOOH inventory types that are packed into a relatively small geographic footprint. In the city, you'll find a range of Bus Shelters, Urban Panels, and Train Station boards to complement the Billboards that line the arterial roads and freeways.

Moving outwards towards the suburbs, you'll find a number of place-based inventory types (Fuel Stations, Convenience Stores, Doctors' Surgeries) that make it surprisingly easy to stay in front of your audience regardless of where they live or work.

Well, so long as they leave their home anyway.

Available Formats
These are some of the formats you can find in 

So...Where do I start?

~ you, probably

(circa. just then)

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