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Featured City

Los Angeles

Boards Available
Avg. Pricing
per AD play
FYI - This is for billboards; pricing varies by board type.
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You'll be excited to know that Los Angeles is one of the few US cities that has full-motion digital billboards. In other words, you can run videos above several lanes of moving traffic (courtesy of WOW Media). You also get access to a large network of Train Stations across LA, as well as a range street-level signs (Urban Panels) to catch the eyes of the publicly transported - if that's how you roll. Oh, and there are Bus Shelters in Hollywood!

Notable vendors are Clear Channel Outdoor, Lamar, Intersection, Volta, and New Tradition (among others).

Available Formats
These are some of the formats you can find in 
Los Angeles

So...Where do I start?

~ you, probably

(circa. just then)

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