Artwork Approval Process



Transcript & Notes.


This tutorial explains how you can manage the artwork approval process for your campaign on CAASie:

Two-Stage Approval: When you upload artwork, it first goes through a pre-approval by CAASie’s team. After that, it’s sent to media owners for final approval.

Approval Timeline: Media owners take between 24 hours to 5 days to approve artwork, depending on the country. In Australia and the US, approval usually takes 24-48 hours, while in the UK, it may take 3-5 days.

Tracking Approval Status: On your campaign dashboard, you can navigate to the artwork section to check the approval status. Hovering over the status icon will reveal whether your artwork is approved or still pending.

Handling Rejections: If your artwork is rejected, you can contact the CAASie team via live chat or email. They’ll help you understand the issue and guide you in making the necessary adjustments.

This process ensures your artwork meets both CAASie’s and media owners’ standards before going live.


0:02 - Artwork approval is a two-stage process. When you upload an artwork to your campaign, it comes to CAASie for pre-approval. The CAASie team reviews your artwork before sending it to the media owners for approval.

0:17 - Once it goes to the media owners, they take anywhere between 24 hours to 5 days before the artworks can get approved.

0:26 - It is dependent on the country as well as the media owners. For example, if you look at Australia, it takes anywhere between 24 to 48 hours before the artwork gets approved.0:36 While US takes 24 to 48 hours as well. And UK takes anywhere between 3 days to 5 days before the artwork gets approved.

0:46 - When you're on your campaign dashboard, you can navigate to your artwork section to see the status of your artwork approval.

0:54 - So if you navigate to your artwork, and hover your mouse over the approval status, you will see whether the artwork has been approved or whether it is still pending approval.

1:06 - If you find that the artwork has been rejected, you can reach out to the CAASie team via live chat or via email and we'll be able to help you out to figure out what's going on with your artwork and see how we can help you sort it out for you.

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