Why did my campaign stop running?



Transcript & Notes.

0:00 - If a campaign that was live has suddenly stopped playing there could be a few reasons why that is the case.

0:07 - On the campaign dashboard ensure that the campaign is currently live and make sure that if it is paused make sure that you hit the play button.

0:17 - Ensure that there's credit in your wallet if there's no credit in your wallet. You can top up your account by hitting the top up button here.

0:26 - Also check to see if there are any warnings provided by Cassie and in this instance you can see that some of the boards haven't been heard from in the last 24 hours.

0:36 - You can review the boards by clicking on the button here or you can just go to the boards tab. And click on the boards to see if the boards are available.

0:45 - In this instance you can see some of the boards are available and some are not available. That could be the reason why your ads are not getting delivered but from what I can see, you can see the two of the boards are available.

1:01 - So there should be ad plays on at least those two screens. The next place to check would be the scheduling.

1:09 - Ensure that it is currently scheduled to play. If it is not currently scheduled to play, that could be the reason why it is not playing.

1:17 - The other place to troubleshoot is your spend control. This is where you can see if you have reached your hourly set budget.

1:30 - In this instance, in the last 24 hours, there has been no play, so I have not reached the budget. I can go into the average spend function.

1:41 - rate to see if I have hit that average spend rate. Now this average spend rate is over the course of your campaign.

1:52 - This particular campaign was live since April, and since April I have spent about $0.22 an hour on average. If I drop my budget, hourly budget to say 0.15 cent, now instantly you can see that I've overspent.

2:15 - And over the over the period of my campaign, my average was $0.22, so since my hourly budget is capped at 15 cents, my campaign is not going to go live till this average meets or drops below my hourly spend.

2:32 - If I change this to say $10, you can see that now there is no warning here, which means my campaign should be live.

2:42 - Now, if everything is fine, there is absolutely no problem and there is no reason why the campaign is not live at this point.

2:52 - Probably, you know, you should reach out to CAASie.co to see, you know, if they can help you troubleshoot the campaign.

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