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Featured City

New York City

Boards Available
Avg. Pricing
per AD play
FYI - This is for billboards; pricing varies by board type.
Just a taster of what's around.
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With over 200 boards per square mile in Manhattan alone, you really couldn't walk very far through NYC without being bombarded by OOH ads. In fact, there are so many boards that planning a campaign here can be a bit daunting (my team can help, obviously).

I have access to a number of different publishers all over the city - Intersection, Outfront Media, Lamar, Clear Channel, and a bunch more to explore. The main formats I'd recommend looking into are the Billboards and public transport networks (Subways, Train Stations) as well as the street furniture (Urban Panel) that are scattered across the city.

Available Formats
These are some of the formats you can find in 
New York City

So...Where do I start?

~ you, probably

(circa. just then)

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