1. Artwork Review & Approval Process

1.1 CAASie & Media Owner Review

CAASie’s Pre-approval 

CAASie reviews submitted ads to ensure compliance with platform policies, professional standards, and legal requirements.

Reviews are typically completed within 24-48 business hours (Brisbane, Australia time).

If concerns arise, CAASie may reject the ad or request modifications before forwarding it to Media Owners. If CAASie determines that a Media Owner is unlikely to approve the ad, we may not pre-approve the ads. 

Some Media Owners enforce minimum spend requirements—ads may not be approved if the campaign budget is too low.

Media Owner’s approval

Media owners have final approval and may impose additional restrictions based on their policies, location, or venue type. Some councils and landlords may further influence ad content approval.

Media Owners may take up to 7 business days to review ads, depending on their region.

Some restricted content/categories (such as political or gambling ads) may require additional processes/set-up prior to approval.

1.2 Approval Criteria

Your ad may not be approved if:

  1. It is prohibited content according to this ad policy
  2. If it is restricted content that does not comply with this ad policy
  3. The ad doesn’t match the organisation details provided on sign up
  4. It is unclear or unreadable, or does not meet professional billboard/display standards or the design requirements in the ad policy 
  5. It lacks a clear advertising message or does not match the brand/product being promoted.
  6. It contains ambiguous content that a viewer unfamiliar with the brand wouldn’t immediately understand.
  7. It presents a safety or community risk
  8. It is not in the local language (without a translation) 
  9. It conflicts with a competing venue’s interests
  10. It violates location or venue specific restrictions
  11. It is restricted by country-specific regulations
  12. It contains personal or non-business content, which may be approved only at CAASie and the Media Owner’s discretion.
  13. It does not fully comply with all of CAASie’s Advertising Policies.

1.3 Post-Review Process & Next Steps

If Your Ad Is pre-approved, CAASie forwards the ad to the relevant Media Owners for their final approval.

If Your Ad Is Not pre-approved, you will receive an email notification (if your account notification settings are turned on). If no email is received, contact support@caasie.co or use live chat for assistance.

There will be no email notice for media owner approvals, you can check the status in the artworks section of your campaign. 

Media Owners are not required to provide reasons for disapproval. If they share concerns, CAASie will pass the information on. Direct communication with Media Owners regarding artwork approvals is not permitted.

Appeals & Modifications

- If CAASie disapproves an ad, reach out to our team for guidance on modifications.
- If a Media Owner disapproves an ad, their decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Checking Your Approval Status

In your campaign dashboard (Artworks tab), approval statuses are indicated by colored dots:

  1. Hover over the dot to see which Media Owners have approved or rejected the ad.
  2. Click to refresh the status if needed
  3. If one Media Owner rejects the ad while another approves it, the ad will only run on the approved screens.

2. CAASie Ad Design Policy

To ensure ads are clear, professional, and effective, the following artwork design requirements must be met

2.1. Readability & Visibility

- Text must be large and readable (no small, blurry, or low-contrast text).
- Sufficient contrast between text and background is required.
- Text alignment must be consistent and appropriate throughout the ad.

2.2. Image & Graphic Quality

- No blurry, pixelated, or distorted images or logos.
- Logos must be properly formatted and not stretched or unclear.
- No transparent backgrounds—designs must be complete and well-defined.
- Videos may not contain ‘glitch’, ‘static’, or ‘strobing’ effects/filters

2.3. Call-to-Action (CTA) & Functionality

- A clear CTA must be present (e.g., website, phone number, business address).
- No ‘dead-end’ CTAs or contact details—websites and QR codes must be active and functional, and contact details must be used for legitimate business/org. purposes.
- QR codes must be scannable
- QR codes are not permitted where unsafe - such as roadsides and stairways
- Some regions/media owners strictly require a website on the ads

2.4. Layout & Design Integrity

- Ads must not be cluttered—clear messaging and hierarchy are required.
- Key elements must be large enough to be easily understood at a glance.
- No cropped/cut off text or key elements
- Body of the artwork must take up at least 70% of the ad space.
- Blank/black or empty sides (e.g. used to extend the size of the ads) are not allowed—designs should fully utilize the space.
- Memes, emojis and similar must still be of professional quality

2.5. Branding & Identity

- Ads must clearly display the brand name or logo.
- Advertiser identity must match the ad content (no misleading branding).
- Advertiser identity must match the CAASie account organisation details.
- Colors & Safety Considerations
- No excessive use of yellow or red that could be confused with safety or warning signs.

3. CAASie Prohibited Content Policy

To maintain a professional, ethical, and legally compliant advertising environment, the following content is strictly prohibited:

3.1. Illegal, Unsafe, or Misleading Content

- Ads must not promote or facilitate illegal products, services, or activities.
- No ads that target minors with inappropriate, illegal, unsafe, or exploitative content.
- No deceptive, misleading, or false claims, including misleading financial products or health-related promotions.
- No ads that promote counterfeit documents, such as fake degrees, passports, or immigration papers.
- No payday loans, payslip advances, bail bonds, or short-term loans under 90 days.
- No ads promoting pyramid schemes or other misleading business models.
- No payment or direct to check out links or QR codes
- No arbitrary or unsubstantiated/unproven claims

3.2. Health, Safety, and Personal Well-Being

- No prescription or recreational drug ads, including medicinal cannabis
- No unsafe supplements or medical misinformation.
- No ads that contradict health and safety standards.
- No injections, needles, or pills in ad imagery.
- No ads that attempt to generate negative self-perception, especially in relation to diet, weight loss, or personal health.
- Weight loss products must not be marketed to anyone under 18.

3.3. Prohibited Products & Services

- Tobacco, vaping, and e-cigarettes are not permitted.
- Cannabis and related products are not permitted (except in some states within the USA; where restrictions apply)
- Weapons, ammunition, and explosives, including modification accessories, are prohibited.
- No body part or fluid sales.

3.4. Adult & Sexual Content

- Sexual content must be treated with sensitivity to a broad audience.
- No ads for adult products or services, including escort services, sexual entertainment, or pornography.
- Contraceptive ads must be age-targeted to 18+ only.
- No gratuitous nudity (including for swimwear & underwear), sexually suggestive imagery, or depictions of minors (or individuals appearing as minors) in inappropriate contexts.

3.5. Ethical and Social Responsibility

- No discriminatory content based on race, ethnicity, color, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or medical/genetic conditions.
- No racism, sexism, hate speech, or offensive cultural symbols (e.g., swastikas).
- No politically or religiously charged content, including religious symbols in non-relevant contexts.
- No sensational content, or content designed to be controversial; including offensive language/images, expletives, or obscenities. 
- Political ads must comply with local regulations 
- Ads must not contain persons under the age of 18 unless relevant to the product/service (e.g. schools and child care services) or it is in a family setting.
- No name & shame campaigns.
- Ads must not resemble, impersonate, or create confusion with official police, emergency services, or government communications. Including but is not limited to, missing persons notices, police investigation or crime-related appeals and imagery, symbols, or designs that could be mistaken for official emergency services branding (e.g., police badges, sirens, emergency phone numbers).

3.6. Content Quality & Standards

- Ads must be actual advertisements (not just logos, phone numbers, or unrelated memes).
- Ads must not be ambiguous or open to interpretation (someone unfamiliar with the brand should instantly understand the ad's message/purpose)
- No shocking, sensational, excessively violent, or offensive content.
- No rapid movement, strobing effects, or excessively loud audio.
- No ads suggesting the advertising panel has been damaged or defaced.
- Videos may not contain ‘glitch’ or ‘static’ effects which may cause the panel to appear damaged or defaced.
- Landlord reputation must not be harmed—ads cannot lead to negative commentary on landlords.

3.7. Transparency & Disclosures

- The identity of the advertiser must be clearly stated 
- Disclaimers (including T&Cs and political ad authorisations) must be large enough to read on all formats
     + Sensitive content: Text must be at least 6% of the shortest ad dimension.
     + Standard disclaimers: At least 3% of the shortest ad dimension.
- Offers and promotions must include T&Cs (especially the promotional period) and may require regulatory approvals to be submitted to CAASie (e.g., CAP/ASA in the UK).
- All claims (e.g. 50% of dentists recommend x toothpaste) must be substantiated within the ad and may require regulatory body approvals (especially ASA/CAP in the UK)

3.8. Intellectual Property & Third-Party Rights

- No copyright, trademark, privacy, or proprietary rights violations.
- No unauthorized use of images, music, or video content.

3.9. Cultural Sensitivity & Local Standards

- Ads must align with community standards and not be culturally inappropriate for their location.
- No religious imagery or references unless directly relevant to the advertised product/service; and must remain neutral and informative, without promoting, endorsing, or attempting to convert audiences to a particular belief or doctrine
- Ads must be written in a common language/dialect for the region, or otherwise contain a full translation in that language.

4. CAASie Restricted Content Policy

Certain content is restricted on CAASie and may require additional approvals or vary by region due to legal, cultural, or industry regulations. Advertisers must ensure compliance with all relevant laws and advertising policies.

4.1. Food & Beverage Restrictions

- Unhealthy food advertising is restricted in some regions.
- In Australia, only foods with a Health Star Rating of 3.5+ may be advertised.
- In the UK, high fat, salt, and sugar (HFSS) foods cannot be advertised on UK-based screens.
- Brand-only advertising (without individual food items) may be allowed.
- Additional restrictions may apply near schools, medical centers, or health-related venues.

4.2 Alcohol Advertising

- Ads referencing or containing alcohol require the advertiser to obtain ABAC approval in Australia and ASA/CAP approval in the UK (there may be an equivalent in other regions). This includes incidental depictions, such as a glass of wine in a restaurant setting. 

- Ads must not:

     + Encourage excessive, rapid, or irresponsible drinking.
     + Appeal to minors or depict people under 25 consuming alcohol.
     + Imply alcohol is essential for success, relaxation, or celebration.
     + Associate alcohol with wagering, sex appeal, or performance enhancement.
     + Be within 150m of a school gate.

4.3. Gambling & Wagering

- Gambling ads must not:

     + Target minors (e.g., using superheroes or celebrities appealing to minors).
     + Feature anyone under 18, except in incidental background roles.
     + Show 18–24-year-olds engaging in wagering.
     + Associate gambling with alcohol, financial relief, or personal success.
     + Encourage peer pressure or excessive gambling participation
     + Be within 150m of a school gate.

4.4. Location, Venue, and Regional Restrictions

- Conflict of Interest: Ads may be restricted if they direct traffic away from a competing venue or promote competing products/services within that space (e.g., fitness equipment ads in gyms, retail ads in malls without a store presence).

- Venue-Specific Restrictions: Some locations impose content restrictions based on brand perception and audience suitability (e.g., family-friendly venues may ban gambling/alcohol ads, while healthcare/fitness venues may restrict fast food promotions).

- Country/Region-Specific Restrictions: CAASie’s ad policy follows primarily Australian standards, but additional local laws and requirements may apply in other regions.

4.5. Entertainment, Movies, Video games and similar

- Entertainment ads must not:
     + Use disruptive tactics like flashing screens.
     + Contain drug use (including prescription), weapons, alcohol consumption, adult content, profanity, violence, or gore.
     + Be targeted to minors if intended for mature audiences (18+).

4.6. Cryptocurrency & NFT Advertising Restrictions

- Advertising for cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and related financial products may be restricted in some regions and subject to local regulations.
- Media Owners may impose their own restrictions on displaying such content.
- In certain regions, cryptocurrency projects, exchanges, and financial services must be registered with local regulatory bodies.

     + Australia: Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
     + United Kingdom: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
     + United States: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
     + European Union: Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA)
     + Ads must not promote misleading or unregulated financial products.
     + Ads must clearly disclose risks associated with cryptocurrency investments.

4.7. Political & Election Campaigns

- Political ads must comply with local regulations. Including but is not limited to

     + Australia must comply with Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) rules; including an authorisation disclaimer
     + USA must comply with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules; Including a “paid for by” disclaimer
     + UK requires ASA/CAP approval to be forwarded to the CAASie team in addition to following regulations. 

- Disclaimer Text must be at least 6% of the shortest ad dimension.

- Political ads must not:

     + Contain misinformation about how to vote.
     + Defame individuals, parties, or political entities.
     + Be placed on government-owned properties where a conflict of interest exists (e.g., public transport).

- CAASie, Media Owners, and Landlords reserve the right to reject political ads if they do not wish to align with the views of/or parties being promoted.

5. General Compliance & CAASie’s Discretion

- Advertisers are responsible for compliance with all laws and regulations.
- Advertisers must be over 18 to use the platform
- CAASie may Disclose ad content to government authorities if legally required.

- CAASie may limit the number of artworks approved based on budget, campaign size, or platform requirements. CAASie may reject, remove, or disapprove excessive numbers of ads at their sole discretion. 

- CAASie may reject, remove, or disapprove ads at its sole discretion if they 
     + violate policies, 
     + harm relationships with users, media owners, or suppliers,
     + conflict with CAASie’s competitive position or advertising philosophy.

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