Why is my campaign not running?



Transcript & Notes.

0:00 - Here are a few tips to troubleshoot your campaign if you see that you haven't had any plays on your campaign Make sure that the campaign is live.

0:11 - Hit the play button if it is paused Ensure that there's budget in your account. If there is no budget Ensure that you top up your account by hitting the top up button Go into your schedules and make sure that it is currently live.

0:26 - If the campaign is not live, if you have to change the dates, ensure that you change the dates to make sure that it is currently scheduled to play.

0:35 - Also check the schedule to see if the actual campaign is scheduled to play on that date. Hey, currently on Saturday it's only meant to play between 8 and 9 and I might increase the time to ensure that it plays currently at this point in time.

0:53 - The other place to note check is your artworks. Make sure that you've uploaded your artworks and it is approved. If you haven't uploaded enough artworks, you can upload your artworks here.

1:05 - If you've uploaded enough artworks, ensure that they are approved. Hover your mouse over the the approval status. You can see whether the artwork has been approved, rejected or if it is still pending approval.

1:20 - The other place to check is your boards to ensure that the boards are available. Currently, as you can see, some of the boards have low availability.

1:32 - We haven't heard from that board in a while. This board is available, so if your campaign is scheduled to play, it would play on this particular board.

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