0:00 - When you set up a campaign on CAASie, you know, you have a couple of options. One, you can set up a short duration campaign, for example, if you have a sale during the weekend or you can set up an ongoing campaign like you would do on Facebook.
0:15 - The other options that you get is to, either hand-select your boards, like for example, now you know the area that you want the board that that is next to your office, you can pick that board. That's hand-selecting for your campaign.
0:33 - The other option is geo-fencing. If you know your address that you want to target, you want to target all the boards around that area, you can do that as well.
0:42 - So let's start with a new campaign. I'm going to call it just a simple test, which can be changed later if you need to.
0:55 - You're given the option to add a team into your campaign if someone wants to. Different teams are managing different campaigns.
1:03 - You can enable that and pick a team that's going to manage your campaign. Save and continue. Here's where you're given that option of either selecting an ongoing campaign or selecting a short duration campaign.
1:20 - In this particular instance, we're going to do a short duration campaign for two days from the 28th of July to the 24th of July.
1:27 - Save and continue. We'll geofence an area and we'll pick all the screens within that area. So let's go with target based on location so I'm going to select this that.
1:41 - I'm going to save and continue. Now you can type in the address that you're looking for. For in this example I'm going to type in 4 Pearl Street which is our head office.
1:58 - Slacks Creek and if I enter it gives me a couple a couple of addresses. So now this is the address that I'm looking at.
2:05 - I'm going to hit plus to add it to my campaign. I can add more addresses if I need to.
2:15 - I can say 100. Let's see if I can get something. There are six boards in this area. This is the street that I'm looking at.
2:31 - So I'm going to add that into my uh my campaign. So once I've selected the addresses that I'm going to geotarget.
2:38 - I can hit done. Once I've done that I can see that I'm targeting a 500 meter radius. I can increase that radius to say you know 10 kilometers or you know 2 kilometers or 3 kilometers.
2:52 -In this instance I'm going to just say a 2 kilometer radius or 2000 meter radius. And you can see that I've picked, that is your Chalk Street and below here is your Slacks Creek.
3:09 - I can scroll, I need to scroll down, once I scroll down after I've selected the geofenced 2 kilometer radius I scroll down.
3:17 - I can see that there are 10 billboards in that area, I can add them to my campaign. I can add all the urban panels within that radius, I can add that or if I need to add any bus shelters, I can add them in there.
3:32 - Now I've selected 10 billboards, 2 urban panels and 4 bus shelters, or shelters in my campaign. If I don't need the urban panels, I can remove them here.
3:42 - Or, I can go into the 14 boards that I've selected, I can click on it, I can hand pick what I need.
3:51 - Maybe you know I don't need this particular board, I might remove that board from my campaign. If I say save and continue, I've added all the screens that I need.
4:02 - Now, I'm given the option to pick the time of day that I want my campaign to run. So, I can select always on.
4:11 - If I select always on, my ad is going to play on those screens 24-7. Or, I can custom select. I can custom schedule my campaign.
4:19 - I can say that I need my ads to run only between 6 in the morning till 8 in the morning.
4:28 - I can also add any other time that I think would be ideal or when my audience are going to be in front of that screen.
4:35 - I can say between 4 and 6 I can also pick the lunch time if I need to. Save and continue.
4:47 - Here we give you, CAASie gives you a bit of an estimate on how much it's going to cost you. to run your campaign.
4:56 - If I, I can set a budget here. I'm going to run it for a couple of days. So no, um I can hit, we will, it gives you a suggestion of $90 and I'll to get one ad every roughly you know eight to ten minutes.
5:09 - If I have more money, I can say that like I've got 100 bucks or 150 bucks. To spend on the campaign, I can do that.
5:17 - Or if I have to, you know, go by what CAASie is recommending, I can just hit the magic fix and that'll give me the figure that is recommended one ad every eight to ten minutes.
5:28 - Now, additionally, I can pace it. If I set it on auto, it's going to try on an auto. I'm going to pace that ninety dollars across the two days that I've selected my campaign to run.
5:39 - Or I can even, you know, select an hourly pacing. If I wanted to spend ten dollars an hour, I can do that.
5:47 - Or I can say that I want to spend twenty dollars an hour, I can do that as well. I'll leave it on auto for now and I'll hit save and continue.
5:56 - Here's where you upload your artworks. It tells you that you need seven different resolutions to run your campaign. So you can, once your designer gets your artworks ready, all you need to do is to bulk upload it here or you can individually upload one by one over here.
6:13 - If you need all the specs up as a csv file, you can download it here and pass it to your designer to get all the artworks ready.
6:22 - You can also see that this 1080 1920 covers four of the 13 boards that you've picked. You, we give you an indication of you know how many boards carry that common resolution.
6:40 - Even if you don't have the artworks ready now, it doesn't matter. You can hit save and continue. You can come back to it later and you can upload your artworks.6:47 Save and continue. Here you get your quick summary of your campaign. It tells you how you've set your campaign up.
6:54 - If there are any questions, problems with your campaign. Currently it says that you do not have any artworks uploaded and we know that.
7:01 - We haven't uploaded any artworks. So it gives you that warning on if there are any problems. If you save and continue, the campaign is ready now.
7:13 - The setup is ready actually. It gives you a bit of a warning to say that it's not live yet. Hit save and continue.
7:20 - You can, currently the campaign is paused. You can hit play once you've uploaded artwork and also once you've topped up your account with enough credits.