July 25, 2024

Glossary of Terms

Jenny Syratt
This article demonstrates an older version of the CAASie.co UI.
I'm working on updating it. Don't pressure me.


Active hours

Active hours refer to the hours in which your campaign is turned on/active. This is determined by a customisable schedule. If, for example, you have set your campaign to run between 9.00-10.00 am from Mon-Fri, then your campaign has one active hour per weekday, or 5 active hours per week. Total active hours is the number of active hours within your entire campaign.


Ad is an abbreviation of Advertisement and it is public communication on any media. In the case of CAASie, it usually refers to the content of the advertisement or to the file that’s uploaded to CAASie.

Ad Play/Play

An “ad play” or play happens when a single ad is loaded onto a billboard or ad screen for a certain predefined duration (or slot length within the screens schedule).


Approval, or artwork approval, is a clearance for an artwork to be displayed on a public screen. Approval is given when an artwork complies with all ad policies, relevant T&C’s, restrictions and legislation.


Artwork is a piece of design that displays your company’s message. It is in the form of JPG, PNG or MP4

Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and the height for a screen and/or corresponding artwork. A common aspect ratio for screens is 16:9, where if a landscape screen is 16 units wide, it must therefore also be 9 units high. If rotated to be portrait, it would then be 16 high and 9 wide, but is still described as having a ratio of 16:9.


Audience refers to the people, or groups of people, who are likely to be exposed to your advertisement when shown on screen.


Availability in CAASie refers to the frequency of available spaces/opportunities for your ad show within. If a screen’s schedule is able to show e.g. 6 different ads within a scheduled loop, but only 5 already occupy the loop, then there is available space for one more ad to play. If this occurs frequently, the screen is deemed to be highly available. There may be times when all spaces within a loop are occupied, and the screen will have no availability for that time.


Bid Strategy

Your bid strategy is the method or preferences for which you choose to compete for available space on screens. CAASie works on a real time bidding/auction process, meaning that your campaign will automatically compete for available space based on your custom budget. However you may choose to control/influence this process by capping your bid price/cost, per ad play.


Billboard is a large (usually outdoor) board for hosting/displaying advertisements. Digital billboards, like the ones on CAASie, are electronic and can display digital ads, rather than printed ones.


A board on CAASie is the collective term for digital screens. It can be in reference to a roadside large billboard, or a small format screen inside e.g. malls or gyms.


Budget is a maximum cap on how much credit you are willing to spend during a campaign.



A Campaign on CAASie is a distinct project, which holds a specific set of rules or parameters for which you want to run your ads.


Cost-per-play is the cost for a single showing of your ad on any screen/board.


Credits are purchased tokens which can be exchanged for delivery of ads to screens/boards. The theoretical value of CAASie credits is matched to the US dollar.  



Dates are used to determine which days of a week/month/year your campaign will be active. “Start date” refers to the day in which the campaign will first become active, and the “End date” refers to the day in which the campaign will cease to be active. The dates are relative to the screen/s selected within a campaign, not necessarily the time zone from which you’re working.  

Demand Side Platform (DSP)

DSP is the software that helps advertisers to plan and run their campaigns. In the context of CAASie, It is the user interface that enables you to select boards, upload artworks and set other criterias for your message to be displayed on a digital screen.

Display currency

Display currency is the preferred currency in which you would like to view your transactions/activity in-platform. The theoretical value of credits are matched to the value of the USD, however this can be translated to your preferred currency for convenience.

H & I

Hourly Budget Guide

The hourly budget guide on the CAASie map is a rough estimate of how much you should budget to run your campaign, based on your selected screens/boards. It is a guide only, and it is calculated based on the average cost of play across all the screens and with an aim to deliver roughly one ad every 2-5 mins.


An Impression is when an ad is viewed by a viewer. A single ad play may be viewed by multiple people at the same time, and multiple ad plays may be seen by the same individuals repeatedly. Each view, whether it is unique or not, is counted as an impression.



Pacing is the control of spend rate within a campaign, specifically regarding how steady it is. Custom pacing is a control in which you can choose a value to pace to; e.g. a $10 hourly pace will keep your campaign steadily spending up to $10 within each hour, rather than pacing directly to availability of space which is often less predictable.

Polygon tool

Polygon tool is a selection tool that you use to select screens on the map. You can use the polygon tool by clicking multiple points to create a shape. All screens within the shape that you created will be added to your selection.



Reach is the number of impressions that have been made/reached for a) each ad play, b) the number of ad plays or c) the cost/budget spent.

Recommended hourly spend

Recommended hourly spend is an estimated rate of spend/amount that you should spend during each hour that your campaign is active. This amount is calculated based on the average cost of play on CAASie (varies screen to screen) as well as an assumption that your ads may play on each screen once every 2-5 minutes within the hour.


On CAASie, resolution refers to the number of pixels that can be displayed on a screen/board and the requirement for corresponding ads. If a screen has a resolution of 1080x1920, it means that the screen can display 1080 pixels across its width, and 1920 pixels across its height. Screens that are viewed from afar away usually require fewer pixels (have a lower resolution) than those up close.



The Schedule determines which hours of which days your campaign will be active during.

Screen Time

Screentime is the duration for which your ad will be or have been displayed on the screen, assuming it was continuous with no interruption.


Specifications are the details about a specific screen, usually relating to their corresponding artwork requirements. E.g. Dimensions of the screen, artwork file formats accepted, audio allowances, etc.

Spend rate/pacing

Spend rate or pacing is the speed at which your budget is consumed or exchanged for delivery of ads. It’s expressed on CAASie as dollars per hour.

Supply Side Platform (SSP)

Media owners/sellers may choose to make their inventory available to CAASie via a software platform called Supply side platform (SSP). This platform aggregates and surfaces supply (i.e. the available ad space for the relevant screens) to CAASie.


Venue Types

In this case, the venue is the location or place where the screen is located. A “venue type” is the categorisation of those screen in relation to their venues, to e.g. Malls, gyms, roadside billboards, etc.


Here is a nifty little resource for you to download & play with.
Jenny Syratt
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