0:00 Setting up a campaign on Cassie is very simple. Once you're on your dashboard, all you need to do is click on the new campaigns button.0:08 You can give it a name. You can change this name later when uh from the dashboard if you need to.
0:16 So for now I'm just calling it test. If you save and continue. You can enable Teams functionality on your dashboard.0:24 If you enable Teams functionality, you can pick a team that is going to manage your campaign. Save and continue. I've got two options here.
0:35 One, I can run this campaign as an ongoing campaign where it runs like Facebook ads. And I set an hourly budget or a daily budget and it'll honor that budget.
0:45 Or I can set a short duration campaign for two days. Or I can run a campaign for two months if I need to.
0:53 Uhm, for now, I'm going to walk you through an ongoing campaign which is a simpler way of running your campaign.
1:02 Save and continue. There are two options again. One, hand-select boards. If I know what boards I'm looking for, I can hand-select those boards.
1:10 I can micro-target. Or I can set a target location. I can say that I want to target this address and I want to target all the screens within 500 meters or, or an hour, a thousand meters around that target location.
1:25 I can do that. And for now, I'm looking at the hand-select boards. We'll, I'll walk you through that particular option.1:35 I select that and I save and continue. Now since I'm picking the hand-select boards, it's going to drop me into my city of interest, or where I'm located.
1:50 Currently, I'm in Brisbane and I'm looking at Acacia Ridge. All the screens within that area will be populated on the map, if you click on any of those buttons, you'll see what sort of a screen it is and how much, whether it is available, and how much it's going to cost you per play.
2:11 So this is a 30-second ad and it costs you about 37 cents per per ad play. It also, as you scroll further down, you can see the specs.
2:21 that you need for this particular board. This one accepts video and also static files jpg and png. The size of the artwork would be 1920 by 1080 pixels.
2:37 I can add this to my selection and it's map again. You'll see other boards that are there on the map.
2:48 I can also filter. I can filter by the type of boards that I want to see on the map. If I click on custom, there's a list here.
2:59 If I want only want to see billboards, I can click on billboards. Only billboards will show up on the map.
3:07 If there are any billboards in the area that I'm looking at, it should show up there. Um, looks like there aren't.
3:14 Any billboards in Acacia Ridge, but in the neighboring suburbs, I can see some billboards. I can click on that. It gives me a bit of information of you know, what sort of billboard it is.
3:26 And what the resolution that I need and. The duration of that ad, it gives me all that information. I can add that to my campaign.
3:40 I can use the polygon tool to select the whole area if you need to, if I need to. I can select the whole area and all the screens within that selected area will get added to my campaign.
3:56 Currently, I've got about 11 boards selected and it tells me that I need to allocate about $61 per hour to get one ad every every 8 to 10 minutes.
4:09 If I save and continue, it gives me the option to pick the time or the schedule of my campaign. I can leave it always on which means the campaign will be on 24 hours a day if the boards are on 24 hours a day.
4:23 If I click on the custom schedule, I can pick the time that I want my ads to play. I might say that I want my ads to play between 7 and 9 in the morning.
4:34 And I might also pick the time between 5 and 7 when vehicles return home from the city. I can pick any lunch time if I need to.
4:49 I can just about pick any time that I, I think that I want my ads to be live. Let's save and continue.
4:58 I've got a choice here between hourly budget and daily budget. If I click on the hourly budget, you know the target is about $60,000.
5:07 If to get one at every 8 to 10 minutes, if I need more number of ads during the hour, I might say that I need, I might set the budget as $100 an hour, which means I'm going to get more number of ads during that hour if space is available.
5:23 Or I can say that I don't have $61, but I can spare. $50 per hour, I can set that up as well.
5:30 I can also set a limit. I can say that once it hits $500, I want my campaign to stop. So if I top up my account and let it play, it should play for 10 hours and it should stop.
5:47 Or I can leave it as no limit. If I set it as no limit, if I top up my account with $500, it'll run for 10 hours and it'll stop.
5:56 If I top up my account with $1000, then I'm likely to get about 20 hours of ad play and it will stop.
6:05 So it's really up to you whether you want to set a limit or you want to leave it as no limit.
6:10 Enable auto top up to top up your account as it drops and the campaign will continuously play till you want it to stop.
6:19 You can hit your stop button once uh once you've set your campaign. I'll walk you through that. Save and close.
6:27 Continue. Here's where you upload your artworks. Now it tells you you need nine different resolutions. Now if you do not have the artworks ready now you still can go ahead completing the campaign.
6:42 I can can come back and upload it later. You can also download the specs that you need. You can pass it on to your designer to get all these artworks ready.
6:52 And once the artworks are ready you can upload it into the bulk uploader and that will populate these cards depending on what resolution matches the ones that you have uploaded.
7:06 I'll see you in the next video. It gives you those warnings. It also tells you that you haven't uploaded enough artworks and which we know.
7:34 If I save and continue, this is the end of your campaign setup. It will drop you into your campaign dashboard where you can change every setting.
7:47 So currently the campaign is not live. You have to hit your play button before it goes live. You need to upload your artworks and you know that.
7:57 You can drag and drop all your artworks into the bulk uploader and this will get populated. Once the artwork is uploaded into your artworks, it comes to the artworks.
8:07 department to vet it before it is sent to the media owners. Once the media owners approve it, the campaign should be ready to go live.
8:16 You can pause and play. As I said, you can change the spin in your campaign. You can at any time while the campaign is live, you can increase or decrease your spins.
8:28 You can change the schedule. You can change the artworks. You can add or remove boards. Or you can even change your campaign name in the miscellaneous tab here.