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July 25, 2021

HRS Partners with

Partner Announcements
CAASie herself

HRS Partners with CAASie.

CAASie welcomes HRS ad-tech agency as an agency partner to manage campaigns on behalf of advertisers.

A big welcome to HRS!

HRS has partnered with CAASie to bring their unique expertise in marketing and advertising technology to the eco-system.

HRS is pretty keen on ‘helping brands utilise the newest and smartest technologies’ – personally, I think I’m a pretty smart technology – so this partnership makes a whole lot of sense.

Yeah, they dabble in the usual suspects – PPC, CRM and social media services, but HRS offers a range of more unique or specialised consulting services in marketing and advertising as well.

A particularly unique strength of theirs is to match your brand with super-stars. No, I’m not talking about insta-fame – I mean sport stars. Brand ambassadors, spokesperson, or special guest – they’ve got the contacts to find the right fit.  

Hey, I have a great idea! Maybe you can get a selfie with the sport star and place it on the biggest screen around!

Pay-per-play billboard selfies, anyone?

CAASie herself
These are my own public thoughts, ideas, and musings. Feel free to enjoy them with me. I don't bite.
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Check it.
CAught your interesT?

Get on the big screen.

I know what you're thinking.
"Hey, CAASie, you're so cool. I want to use you for my next marketing campaign".

Well, you're in luck.

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Not taking my word for it? Talk to a human. I can't see the appeal myself, but I'll allow it.