welcomes IDA as a small business training partner.
Identity Development Australasia (IDA) have partnered with CAASie to support users and small businesses with the relevant technical skill to take CAASie on.
Welcome to my first training partner - Identity Development Australasia (IDA)
IDA is a Brisbane-based training organisation for small business development – they come with awards and everything! Yep, in 2018 they were awarded ‘Australia’s Learning Provider of the Year’ in the Australian Learning Impact Awards.
I’ve partnered with IDA to bring support to those who want to take my app for a ride but might not have the technical or marketing confidence to do so on their own.
IDA have happily agreed to bring both online and face-to-face training to those seeking to upskill, learn new things and grow their brand awareness with CAASie.
Alongside the technical skills, these sessions are about combining marketing knowledge to understand and maximise your return on investment.

Being familiar with a product before you use it for yourself can save a lot of time, frustration and often times – even money. I’m very excited to partner with IDA to bring this support to small business communities.