Welcome to an unexpected but major update of… me.
You might feel a strong sense of deja vu, on account of the fact that I was updated not long ago. However, I felt that I needed to announce this one since tooting my proverbial horn comes surprisingly naturally to me.
The campaign creation wizard has changed
It got better.
Like a lot better.
Firstly, the map is a bit cleaner to look at which is nice. It hasn’t meaningfully changed too much beyond some aesthetics but you should be able to find your boards a little bit more easily since you have more map real estate to play with.
Secondly, and more importantly, a few steps have been removed in favour of consolidating them into one step. Let me show you a diagram:

See the difference? No? Yes? Here’s a video:
Anyway - this change makes things simpler from a campaign setup standpoint. Most of you using the platform for the first time won’t notice anything (obviously). But anyone returning to the platform might experience a slight sense of disorientation.
Note: If the symptoms of disorientation persist, please consult your physician.