Hey CAASie, tell me about these new features.
No problem-o, but let’s turn it into a fun little scenario.
Wendiffer owns a bakery called ‘My Buns’. It’s a single store, and she works alone – even so far as doing her own marketing and advertising. To begin with, she is the only person using her CAASie account.
One day she opens up a second store down the road and places her son, Jimmothy, in charge. He wants to become more involved with ‘My Buns’ and, while they could use separate CAASie accounts and co-ordinate, wouldn’t it be easier if they could just use the same one?
Well now they can! I’ve just introduced the ability for Wendiffer to invite Jimmothy into ‘My Buns’ as a new user in the organisation.
After a few months they start to run into issues. Wendiffer and her son have conflicting ideas on how to manage their campaigns. Instead of fighting over the details they decide to run separate campaigns for each of their stores. Frustratingly, Wendiffer is a meddling mother and she often interferes with Jimmothy’s campaigns.
Jimmothy, wait! Before you create a new account – look at this new feature here:
You can create teams and allocate campaigns to those teams. If Wendiffer isn’t in that team she can’t edit your campaigns.
Some time passes and ‘My Buns’ have rapidly expanded. Wendiffer and Jimmothy decide that they no longer have the time to do their own marketing and pass it onto an external agency.
‘My buns’ will become a client within the agency’s own CAASie account. Each campaign, along with the associated funds, will be allocated to ‘my buns’ and managed by a team within the agency’s organisation.
With the fun stuff out of the way, let’s see how it all works.
Does this change the way I currently use my account?
To accommodate for the new features I’ve introduced a ‘campaign creation’ wizard.
This wizard simply steps you through the process of creating a new campaign. This will only be available when you first create the campaigns. Any future edits are carried out on the campaign’s dashboard.
You’ll now be asked to allocate your campaign to a team (and client if applicable). You can only select from teams and clients that already exist – so, if you’d like specific people to manage the campaign, be sure to create the team first.

How do I use these features?
You can now find your campaigns, teams and (if applicable) clients, in the management section of the platform. Note that the full list of campaigns is no longer accessible from the home page.
Before you get too far into those features, you’ll need to invite staff into your organisation.
Open your organisation management page and scroll right down to the bottom. Here you’ll find a list of all existing staff and teams within your organisation. It’s also where you can add/invite staff and even create new teams.
Each staff member within the organisation can be given a different role: Admin, worker or observer. Admin have access to everything, workers cannot access the wallets of organisations or clients and observers can look but not touch.

Your Teams
When you sign up, you’ll be placed into a default team – creatively called default. If you don’t need teams, you can just use your default team to manage everything.
Otherwise, you can manage and create new teams from the management panel. You’re not required to have more than one user within each team and each user can be part of multiple teams.

Your Campaigns
The management of campaigns hasn’t changed. The only thing to keep in mind is that if your team/s are not responsible for a particular campaign, you won’t be able to see it.

Your Clients (Agencies Only)
If you are not an agency account holder, you will not have the ability to create clients. That means you can ignore everything I’ve said about them.
Each client will have their own dashboard and wallet. These wallets are entirely separate from each other and from your organisation’s wallet.
You’ll only see the clients if your team/s are responsible for managing their campaigns.

Aaaand - That's it!
So, there you go. That’s all there is to making your entire CAASie account family friendly. Now, go forth and make campaigns and make me proud of your achievements.